21 May Shavuot Chag Sameach – May 23-25
On behalf of the professional and lay leadership of the Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation we’d like to wish you a Chag Sameach, a very happy and wonderful Shavuot! We hope that your celebration of the Festival of Weeks will be joyful and reminiscent of the experience that our ancestors shared as they stood at the footsteps of Mount Sinai.
Over this coming Jewish holiday weekend, we hope that part of your celebration will include being part of our Shavuot services and special events. Not only will you be performing a mitzvah, but your attendance helps to insure that we have a minyan on both days of Shavuot especially as many of our regular attendees are away.
Of course Shabbat services are at their usual times and the festivities for Shavuot begin THIS Saturday evening with our annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot – our evening of learning in celebration of Shavuot. That begins at 7 pm this Saturday night with learning for all ages, including a special children’s program to be conducted by Dan Rubenstien. The evening will include ice cream, welcoming in the holiday of Shavuot and an opportunity to explore new areas of Judaism and Jewish tradition. Please join us for this wonderful Shavuot tradition!
Following that on Sunday and Monday, services will be held at SOJC according to the following schedule:
Sunday May 24 – First Day of Shavuot – 9:30 am
Monday May 25 – Second Day of Shavuot – 9:30 am (services on the second day include Yizkor)
We wish you all a Chag Sameach and look forward to seeing you over the course of the Jewish holiday weekend!!
Chag Sameach!
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